Jadwal Kelas

Batang: Broadcasting Class

Batang: Broadcasting Class

Jogja: How Creative Industry Impacts Tourism Sector

Jogja: How Creative Industry Impacts Tourism Sector

Bali: Discovering Ayurvedic

Bali: Discovering Ayurvedic

Surabaya: Why Vlogging?

Surabaya: Why Vlogging?

Solo: #EnglishClub – Let’s Talk About Resolution For 2018

Solo: #EnglishClub – Let’s Talk About Resolution For 2018

Labuhanbatu: Refleksi Gerakan Kerelawanan

Labuhanbatu: Refleksi Gerakan Kerelawanan

Jogja: Business Management on Graphic Design

Jogja: Business Management on Graphic Design

Solo: How To Win LPDP Scholarship and Study in UK

Solo: How To Win LPDP Scholarship and Study in UK

Jogja: Belajar Investasi Saham di Pasar Modal

Jogja: Belajar Investasi Saham di Pasar Modal

Batang: Hunting Scholarships

Batang: Hunting Scholarships

Bali: Improve Your Public Speaking Skill

Bali: Improve Your Public Speaking Skill

Semarang: Netiquette (Etika Dalam Berinternet)

Semarang: Netiquette (Etika Dalam Berinternet)